Rev. Philip Ledger was saved at the Rescue Mission in March of 1979.
He has been in the ministry for 35 years at the Mission and 10 years in Mongolia with Far East Missions.
He is currently serving as the Director.

Rev. Jerome McFarland, is on the Pastoral Ministry staff. Jerome came here as a resident. God saved him. He worked as a Dorm Captain. He then was asked to do devotionals for the men. As time progressed, he began preaching at the mission and doing Bible Studies. He carries a great responsibility at the Mission.

Stephen Short is our Dining Hall/Kitchen Manager and Purchasing Agent. Stephen came here as a resident. He felt like this is where God wanted him. Stephen moderates on the platform for the many different church services we have. He is a prayer warrior. He oversees the cooks in the kitchen making sure they follow the protocol for clean healthy cooking. He does all the errands and purchasing for the Mission.

Robert Kapernick is the Head of our Security Department. Our Security force is on duty 24 hours a day, doing random drug/alcohol testing and monthly testing as well. They liaison between the office staff and dorm captains. Robert keeps the paperwork up to date and on file for all the men that pass through our doors. Robert also, goes out with our local deputational teams and speaks, telling his responsibilities.

Daniel Burtz is our Maintenance Manager. He oversees our landscaping, and any projects that need repair, and keeping our machinery running. If he doesn’t know how to fix it, he will look it up and find out how to fix things. He keeps the Mission clean and in wonderful working order.

Stephen Lord is a Lay Leader for the Mission. He felt a call to ministry, not necessarily to the preaching realm, but possibly as a teacher. He teaches Sunday School at the Mission and does preach in the other services. He works in the office at the Mission and hopes one day to be part of the ministerial staff here at the Mission. He is enrolled in online classes working toward his ordination.

Gregory Cooke is a Lay Leader at the Mission. Greg teaches Sunday School and preaches for the services here at the Mission. Greg comes to the Mission from New York with a wonderful Christian upbringing. Greg is free from his addictions and is following the direction of the Lord and is hoping to enter into full-time ministry. He is in online college working on his degree for ordaination.